What offers are in demand in winter?

12 January 2022

6 min read


In winter, sexual activity is lower. It affects the lack of vitamins, the body’s tendency to conserve energy and the absence of irritants on the streets.

Nevertheless, funds for potency are in demand at any time of the year, and in winter the demand for them only grows. This cannot be explained by physiological characteristics, but it works.

In order not to be unfounded, take a look at the statistics of requests from Google Trends and Yandex Wordstat: And if there is a demand, it does not matter what it is caused by.

Choose an offer from the list and start traffic, any of the offers is promising and can bring leads:

  • Dr. Extenda. Top offer, available for 13 European countries. Format – capsules with a natural composition. Payouts – from 13.65 euros to 27.30 euros, depending on the region;
  • Formelan. Cream for penis enlargement and erectile stimulation. Available in Croatia, Germany, Spain and Finland. We pay for a lead from 15.47 to 27.30 euros;
  • Stimeo Patches. Penis enlargement cumulative patches available in 12 European geos. Payouts from 13.65 to 27.30 euros.


Treatment of joints are especially relevant in winter. In older people, bone problems manifest themselves against the backdrop of weather changes. Lack of sun, warmth and vitamins also leads to pain and people are looking for a solution.

Wordstat and Trends also confirm the increased demand for these categories of goods in the cold season. And in order not to look for the best deals for a long time, we have compiled a selection of offers for the treatment of joints:

  • Flexoni. Capsules for the treatment and strengthening of joints. Natural composition, ease of use, cumulative effect and immediate pain relief are the main advantages. Available in Spain, we pay from 24.57 euros per lead;
  • Flexa plus optima. Dietary supplement for the treatment of bones and joints. Available in 12 European geos, payouts from 14.56 to 27.30 euros;
  • Ariavin. Exclusive offer for Switzerland. Capsules, natural composition, instant effect – everything users love. Payouts from 31.85 euros.

Skin care 

Vitamin deficiency and cold wind lead to skin problems. The problem is relevant for older women – delicate skin does not tolerate stress and begins to peel off. In order not to damage the skin and meet spring with a healthy face, women are looking for means to protect and improve.

Demand begins to grow with the advent of the first cold weather and lasts until spring. Pouring on this category is promising, but you need to choose the right product.

And so that the search for an offer does not drag out, we have prepared two skin protection creams that show excellent results in winter:

  • Carattia Cream. One of the top offers, heals and protects the skin from aging and aggressive external environment. Available in 10 European GEOs, we pay from 14.56 to 29.12 euros;
  • Dermisena. Moisturizing cream with a revitalizing effect. Restores the skin’s natural ability to produce collagen. Available in 8 European geos, we pay from 14.56 to 29.12 euros per lead.

Weight Loss 

In winter, people begin to eat more to make up for the lack of energy and vitamins. Because of this, they begin to get fat, and thoughts about warmth, spring and beaches in the summer do not give rest.

This is a global trend, the demand for weight loss products begins to grow since the beginning of winter. Weight loss is an evergreen category, and therefore we treat it with special attention. Choose these offers, they show efficiency not only in winter, but also at any time of the year:

  • Vanefist Neo. Our top offer, effervescent diet pills. A positive background has been formed around the offer, many are looking for it for targeted queries. Available in 16 geos, we pay from 12.74 to 27.30 euros;
  • Prolesan Pure. Capsules for weight loss with a natural composition and a quick effect. Available in 12 regions, payouts from 12.74 to 38.22 euros;
  • Mibiomi Patches. Slimming stickers. Convenient form factor, cellulite protection and fat burning through natural mechanisms made the offer popular. Available in Cyprus, Germany and Slovenia. We pay from 14.56 to 19.11 euros;
  • Nixagrim. Capsules with a natural composition, burn fat without training. Exclusive for Switzerland with high payouts – from 31.85 euros. In conclusion,

Nutra is subject to seasonality, albeit not as obviously as other verticals. Use analytical tools, explore demand and run ads for those products that are in demand right now.

We hope our selection will help you in your search for promising offers in the cold season.

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