How to choose the right Nutra offer

1 December 2021

8 min read

The effectiveness of the bundle depends on the correct selection of the offer. Advertising campaigns can be set up perfectly, but if the product is not interesting to the audience, the ebb will not bring profit. Nutra is the oldest vertical in traffic arbitrage. It has many offers with different conditions and products. In order for the ebb to be successful, select offers consistently, paying attention to every detail.


The first thing to decide is the region. The product, traffic sources, approach to the ebb and to the development of creatives will depend on it. Pay attention to these countries, they show the best results:

Czech. The people love beer and good food. The trend for a healthy and toned body goes against the mentality, so weight loss products are good.

Germany. Rich geo with lots of beer drinkers looking to lose weight. The country’s population is predominantly elderly, so anti-aging agents also work.

Belgium. A non-obvious geo with a positive background when promoting weight loss, not burned out and solvent.

Portugal. A leisurely lifestyle and love for the traditional way of the family motivate the population to take care of their health.

These regions show the best conversions with our offers. For example, weight loss drugs in Germany are converted into 9%.

Payment method

Nutra has two types of payment, COD and SS. The reaction of the audience depends on the choice, and its willingness to place an order here and now. Each of the methods has pros and cons, when choosing, be guided by budgets, geo and preferences.


The usual method of payment for the audience. A person pays for the order directly at the post office, which increases the chances of conversion, but some people may not buy the goods.

It is cheaper and more convenient to pour on COD, the cost of traffic for such offers will be lower, and advertising will bring more leads. Such offers give more freedom to the affiliate, because you can download promotional materials and landing pages, which cannot be done when working with SS.

To get more buyouts, analyze the situation with quarantine in the country, and in creatives, put pressure on the competitive advantages of the product. For example, Vanefist Neo, which shows a conversion rate of 9% in Belgium, has an effervescent tablet form factor, which sets it apart from other offers.


In this payment method, a person pays directly on the site. Traffic for such offers is more expensive, and it is morally more difficult for people to pay on the landing page. The older generation knows the value of money, and therefore prefers to pay when the goods are in their hands.

Of the benefits – one hundred percent buyback and the ability to work with a richer and more educated audience. People in America know their rights, are protected by consumer law, and therefore it is easier to pay for goods.

This approach requires a larger budget than COD. You will have to pour on expensive GEOs, and the price of the target action is several times higher than with postpaid.

SS is more suitable for America. The population there is younger, more solvent and more accustomed to e-commerce offers in which you need to pay directly on the site. This forms a positive background for prepayment.


Not only the frequency of redemption depends on the product, but also the competitive advantages that can be distinguished. Nutra is an old vertical, they have been pouring on it for a long time, and therefore the audience is familiar with the usual offers.

For example, Carattia Cream, which is converted in Germany with rates around 9%, not only rejuvenates the skin, but also protects it from external influences. This improves the effect and fixes it, preventing the external environment from harming the rejuvenation.

Choose a product with similar features, they will highlight the offer against the background of other offers and increase the efficiency of the outflow.


When choosing an offer, rely on the solvency of the population and the prices set by the partner company.

For example, Portugal is a geo with an average solvency, so the Carattia Cream offer from Direct Affiliate for the region is $13 cheaper. It is important that the affiliate program takes into account solvency and selects a price depending on it.

Type of product

When choosing a product type, start from the features of the geo. In countries with a high number of elderly people, promote anti-aging creams, and for lovers of beer and delicious food, offer slimming products.

For example, Vanefist Neo works well in Belgium, the Czech Republic, and in Portugal its conversions reach 11%. This happens because the measured lifestyle in these countries, coupled with the mentality, provokes obesity and creates a problem.

Tools and other checks

Do not forget about the technical part of the work. Without good tools for analysis, the bundle will not bring income.

What does the PP provide?

The affiliate program must create and optimize landing pages so that they convert better. The platform should have statistics on instruments, and managers should know what works and what doesn’t.

At Direct Affiliate, a team of highly experienced arbitrators works on the development of creatives and landing pages. We create promotional materials to make them profitable and constantly optimize them.

Direct affiliate managers respond quickly, advise competently, keep their finger on the pulse of arbitration and keep abreast of trends. If you have any doubts about the choice of an offer – write to us, we will tell you what works best and which geos to run ads on.

Advertising materials must be translated into the language of the audience in a quality manner, without automatic translators. Our experts translate in such a way that even native speakers can read the text without hesitation.

Checking through Spy-services

Testing the offer through spam services will help you find out which approaches work and which don’t. Make sure that the offer does not have an influx of specialists, otherwise the audience will quickly burn out and the bundle will not reveal its potential.

Do not blindly copy the approaches of other webmasters, pay attention to the details. Perhaps the color of the text or the photo of a pretty girl affected the conversions. Highlight such trifles and develop your own bundles.

Google Trends

Check the name of the offer through the service. A high request rate shows that the audience is interested in the offer and is more likely to respond to the ad if you run it.

Here is how the offer statistics should look like using Vanefist Neo as an example:


Not only the frequency of redemption depends on the product, but also the competitive advantages that can be distinguished. Nutra is an old vertical, they have been pouring on it for a long time, and therefore the audience is familiar with the usual offers.

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