Product traffic arbitrage: what you need to know about the vertical in 2021
This is not an instruction, but rather a brief guide to the product vertical, including how it is performing currently, where it is being offered, and on what platforms.
This summer, there will be several notable events that can be a good newsbreak for webmasters. Whether you’re an affiliate or an online marketer, pay attention to what’s relevant to you and your business, and be sure to save the dates.
Holiday season | June – September
The first and most important informational occasion is the summer holidays. This is the period of time that all students look forward to. This is a break in the school calendar when they take 1 to 3 months off. Many during this period get a summer internship or job, earning extra money on vacation.
The start time of academic holidays and their duration in Europe differ depending on the country. In most countries, it will start in July and last until September 2023. Some countries even have summer holidays that start from the very beginning of June, such as Latvia and Finland.
In fact, not only students will be on vacation. In many European countries, many workers will also be taking vacations during this time. Many businesses will be closed for the summer months and locals will travel abroad to enjoy their holidays.
Again, each country has different times when workers go on vacation. In Spain, many workers take a holiday from late July to August, with many shops closing at 3:00 pm due to the heat. For Italy and Germany, the holiday period lasts from mid-July to August. In France, summer holidays last all of August. This is why August is considered one of the worst months to travel in Europe – almost none of the local shops will be open.
Travel may still be restricted due to COVID-19. However, many European countries have begun to open up, and places like Greece have already begun to welcome tourists within the region.
If you’re interested in pleasing those in a festive mood, be sure to look out for the difference in holiday periods between geos. Now more than ever, it’s important to segment your audience by country and plan your campaigns around summer vacation dates.
What niches are relevant
When people are in a festive mood, they are more likely to spend more fun. That’s why many companies will get into the marketing business during the summer, offering sales, discounts, summer items, and more. And you should join them!
During this festive period, the following niches will be relevant:
Another potential niche is education, in particular language courses. While on holiday in another country, many will want to learn the basics of the local language for a more exciting experience. Since there is no need to go to school or work, which take up almost all the time, in the summer they can pull up the missing knowledge.
On the other hand, business software and applications would do well to refrain from active marketing during this period. Moreover, there will be almost no one in the office and in a working mood.
Offers for school supplies and other essentials should start a few weeks before the end of summer break. They may be aimed at parents or even older students who have their own income. However, don’t start promoting them too early, as early school reminders can be annoying.
Summer sales | June – September
Many sales are held this season to get rid of the stock of the previous one. In each country, summer sales are held on different dates. Be sure to run ads during this time to stay relevant, stay competitive, and keep your audience interested.
Summer sale periods in Europe
Father’s Day | June 5 – November 14
Father’s Day, like Mother’s Day, is celebrated in many countries. There are different traditions in Europe, so each country celebrates Father’s Day at different times. Portugal celebrates it in March along with Saint Joseph’s Day; Latvia – on the second Sunday of September; Luxembourg in October and Finland in November.
However, many countries still celebrate it in June, with most of them celebrating on June 18th. This includes the US, UK, Canada, Chile, France and Ireland. Denmark celebrates it earlier – on June 5; Lithuania and Switzerland – June 4; Austria and Belgium – 11 June. Poland celebrates this holiday later – on June 23.
Usually spending on Father’s Day is much lower than on Mother’s Day. On average, expected spending per consumer is $135, as opposed to $186 for mothers. However, the trend seems to be reversed in 2023 as early customer inquiries are up 109%.
Here are a few products that will suit this occasion. pretty good.
Current niches:
Game releases
This is not an instruction, but rather a brief guide to the product vertical, including how it is performing currently, where it is being offered, and on what platforms.
Uncover the strategies that propel websites to prominence, as we unravel the contrasting traits and implications of organic and paid traffic.
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